Saturday 29 November 2014

Thanksgiving Update

"I will praise God's name in song and glorify him in Thanksgiving"  Psalm 69:30

We have been celebrating Thanksgiving for the past 3 ½ months!  Yes, that's right, 3 ½ months!  During our transition of leaving Kenya and returning to America, we have felt incredibly blessed to have lived and served in Kenya.  We are also thankful to the teachers and staff at CGA for teaching us so much, and allowing us to minister there.  We are thankful for the precious young children we have been able to teach, coach and mentor.  We are thankful for the friends and family back in America who have journeyed with us by praying for us and supporting us financially to live out this calling on our lives.  

During our "American road show", we have tried to appreciate all the special people along the way who have invested in our lives in one way or another through the years. God has been so good to us and so have all of you!  Thank You!

Our Team Pete Road Show is still in full swing.  It's been a great privilege to see different parts of this beautiful country, reconnect with old friends and share in many different settings about what God is doing in Kenya.  We are currently in Montana and today enjoyed a lovely snowy weather!  We have been blessed with many opportunities to share with churches, college groups, schools and supporters.  Our blood is more used to the climate in Kenya so it feels extra cold here, but we are slowly adapting! 

The most exciting part of our time in Montana is the opportunity to have one of our CGA Alumni along with us. Martha Akinyi is in the U.S. as a student; studying Mechanical Engineering at Oklahoma Christian University. Joe taught Martha Bible and Math at CGA, and also coached her in soccer and basketball.  He has seen her develop from the time she was in 5th Grade until now when she is a 22 year old young lady. Even though she doesn't have much public speaking experience, she is a natural at sharing her story and expressing how God has guided and directed her life.  

CGA has never before had a Kenyan share about CGA in the U.S.!  It is wonderful for people to see the fruit of CGA and hear how the ministry impacted her life.  We think it is extra special to have her here during Thanksgiving.  She has gone through many difficult challenges in her life; being born into a poor polygamous family, losing both of her parents before she was 8 and being separated from her siblings. Yet, through it all, she has maintained a spirit of Thankfulness.  She appreciates everything given to her and every opportunity which comes her way; and she has made the most of each of those opportunities.  I know as missionaries we should be the ones impacting others, but I think Martha has had as much of an impact on our lives, as we have had on hers!  Read more of Martha's story on our blog.

Our week of Mission Debriefing and Renewal in Colorado Springs in mid-November was very impactful.  It was immensely beneficial to be around other missionaries who were returning from the field and adjusting to life in America; facing many of the same challenges we are.  There were great group discussions, thoughtful insights, good reflective exercises, eye opening individual counseling sessions, and also many laughs.  We processed and learned to grieve what we have left behind, and focused on how we can integrate what we learned to value about life in Kenya into our lives in America!

One theme which resurfaced throughout the week was to GO SLOW!  Life in America is much different than overseas and everything goes at a much faster pace. Jumping right back on to the fast-moving-American-train can give you whiplash!  It is much better to start slow.  Multiple facilitators advised us as a group and as a couple to consider the idea of dedicating some time to rest, rejuvenate, reflect and seek God.  We are still trying to figure out exactly what that might look like for us.

After finishing our travels in Montana on December 10th, we will return to Colorado for a week before we head back to the airport to visit Joe's family in California and then Daneen's family in Pennsylvania for the Christmas Holiday.  On December 31st we will return to Longmont, Colorado which will be our home base for the short term. 

We are not sure what we will be doing or where we will be living nextbut we absolutely trust that God will show us in His perfect timing.  The first few months of 2015 might be a time of rest, transition, re-tooling and preparation for what is next.  We are considering jobs and careers in many different fields including ministry/non-profit organizations, churches, coaching, education and athletic administration.  We are truly not leaning in any specific direction, but are open to all opportunities available and ultimately desiring God's will for our future.  We greatly value your prayers during this time!    

If you are looking to give a special Christmas Gift this season, consider giving a gift of $15 to provide a child with food for a month or $50 to provide an entire family with food for a month.  Our goal is to help nourish all 300 families associated with CGA during the Nov/Dec school holiday. Learn more about Food for the Holidays on the CGA website.
- Our travels. That we would be a blessing to others, that God would speak through us when we have opportunities to share and that God would provide the funds necessary for both CGA and the Suba Lakers to continue impacting the younger generation of Kenya.
- Our future. That we would remain patient and listen closely for God to lead us and guide us to what he has next for us. For insight to what a time of "rest/retooling/listening" might look like for us.
- Our reintegration process which seems to be up and down at times.  Pray for us to get hope and strength (physical, mental and spiritual) from God and to capture all that he has for us each and every day! 
- Healing for Daneen's neck and back. We believe healing is coming!  Pray for strength to make it through each

Thank You for being a part of our journey! 

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