Thursday 8 January 2015


During our travels around America over the past 4 months, and especially during our Debriefing and Renewal at Mission Training International in Colorado Springs, we have had several mentors strongly advise us to take a Sabbatical in 2015.  We heard several stories of long-term missionaries who returned to their home country and jumped immediately back into life, only to "crash and burn" a short while later.  Daneen experienced some of this when she returned from Uganda a few years ago.

As we transition to life in America and what God has next for us, we believe it is important to step back from ministry for at least 3 months to Rest, Recover, Reflect and Refocus.  Teachers have a summer break, coaches have an off-season and missionaries have furloughs. Even though Joe has been teaching and coaching as a missionary in Kenya for the past 11 years, he has never had any extended time off.  School breaks were filled with hosting CGA secondary students returning from their boarding schools and Suba Laker soccer activities.  Furloughs, often only 3 months long, were always filled with travelling, speaking and working.

Like most people, we have a difficult time being still before God in the race of life. God’s Word instructs us to, “Run in such a way that you may win the race.” (1 Cor 9:24) Yet, too often we forget we need to slow down to refuel and replenish. As Jesus often withdrew to spend time with His Father and be refilled, we also are in a season where we feel it is vital to withdraw and be renewed in our vision, calling and purpose. 


When we use the word “Sabbatical” we are not talking about a vacation, but rather the disengaging from normal ministry and leadership involvement for a period of time. This will be a structured, supervised time to intentionally replenish and regroup for our future. 

The first phase is Rest and Recover.  After returning from our service in Kenya, we have just finished 4 months of speaking and traveling (in a new city every week). We’re honestly a bit tired and worn! We will be engaging in activities that will restore us emotionally and feed us spiritually; doing what puts energy back in our tired minds and bodies. Things like: reading (leisure and Scripture), being part of a church community, regular exercise (playing basketball for Joe), eating healthy (relearning how to cook in America), fun activities (enjoying Colorado’s beauty, snowshoeing, skiing/snowboarding), connecting with friends and resting!

The second phase is Reflect and Refocus.  We will be asking God the question, “Is there anything you want to say to me?”  We will spend extended alone time with God reflecting and learning more about God and ourselves. We will listen for God’s voice regarding direction for the future.

The final phase is Realignment and Reassignment.  We will review and discern our calling, vision and purpose.  This will help us in seeking God's best fit for us in life, ministry and vocation.

During our Sabbatical we will meet regularly with a Sabbatical Support Group to help encourage us, hold us accountable and advise us. We are excited about what God is going to do during this season of our life.

We are grateful that during this time God has provided for us a place to stay, a vehicle to drive and health insurance, so we won’t have many expenses except food, gas and an occasional fun activity.  We have savings set aside which we will be able to use to live on for the first part of this year.  God is surely our great Provider!    

Longmont, Colorado will be our home base during our Sabbatical and until God further directs us.  


During this time we need your help to stand with us in prayer. Pray for God to meet with us, refresh us, and rekindle our passion for Him and for the Great Commission. 

- Ask God to give us a renewed sense of His calling on our lives as we wait on him.
- Pray for times of refreshment; spiritually, mentally and physically.
- Pray for Daneen's ongoing neck and back pain and recent foot issue; for the strength and energy for each new day.


Several people have asked about our financial support.

Our full-time commitment to CGA and Suba Lakers finished at the end of December. Hence, we do not anticipate supporters continuing to give to us in 2015. We are so grateful for how God provided for us all of these years.  There is a chance we might continue in full-time ministry in the future, but at this point we don't know where God is leading us.

We would be grateful if people will continue to support the ministries of Christ's Gift Academy and Suba Lakers directly. These ministries are near and dear to our heart and we believe they are making a great impact in Kenya for God's Kingdom.  With both organizations, there are many financial needs which can be supported by general monthly giving or one-time gifts.  There are also students at CGA and with the Suba Lakers who need sponsors.  If you are interested in any of those opportunities or would like more information, please contact us or click on the links below:

Thank you to all our faithful and supportive friends and partners!  
We're grateful for your love, support and prayers!