Tuesday 17 June 2014

Finishing Well

Before we depart Kenya on August 15th, our focus of these final 2 months is to finish well.  Much of our time is dedicated to completing all our tasks, handing over responsibilities, organizing Math and Bible teaching resources, creating and filing resources to be used in the future by the Kenyan staff, and much more.  But above the tasks and reports, we are doing our best to ensure relationships come first.  We want to use this remaining time to enjoy the precious relationships we have here in Kenya, and especially in Mbita.  This includes making time for meals with friends, visiting students at their secondary schools, eating school lunches with the students, attending secondary school football matches (the season started last week), visiting friends in their homes and much more.  We recognize the importance of saying proper goodbyes; both for us as well as our Kenyan friends.  We would greatly appreciate your prayers during this transition time! (See below prayer requests.)

"Without God it can be scary, but with God it can be a great adventure" -Leah Dipascal

Fall Tour Schedule 
The Team Pete Roadshow might be coming to a city near you this Fall!  We will spend the months of August to early-December traveling around the U.S. to share with our incredible supporters, provide updates on the ministry as well as fundraising for CGA and Suba Lakers. Our desire is to share with anyone and everyone interested in learning more about the work God is doing here in Mbita, Kenya through CGA, Suba Lakers and us.  We have a tentative travel plan for our time in the U.S.  Do you have a group (school, church, friends, neighbors, Bible study, or even a quilting group) who you'd like us to share with?  Contact us with your ideas and we'd love to try and make it happen.  We are willing to share with any group no matter how big or small; young or old.

Tentative Team Pete Tour Dates
mid-late Aug - East Coast (PA, maybe NY & OH)
early Sept - Southeast (SC & NC, maybe TN)
mid Sept - Colorado
late Sept/early Oct - Pac Northwest (OR & WA)
mid-late Oct - Southwest; (CA & AZ)
November/early Dec. - Colorado & Montana 

A Set of Wheels
While we love having our family and friends chauffeur us around, we'd be grateful to borrow a vehicle while traveling to the various parts of the U.S.  Would you or someone you know have an extra vehicle we could borrow? We're both excellent internationally-rated drivers and promise to drive on the "right" side of the road! :-) Depending on travel plans, we will likely fly into a certain city in a region and then desire to drive around that city, maybe even to neighboring cities if possible. 

Pray For:
- Us to stay focused and have wisdom to finish well in the remaining 2 months here.
- Us to have good health and well-being.
- Us to prioritize relationships and saying proper goodbyes.
- Our hearts to be full of love, joy and gratitude, and focused on Jesus, even as we say goodbye to our home and ministry.
- Our hearts to be at peace, trusting this move and transition are from the Lord.
- The many unknowns, challenges and obstacles which come with leaving and transitioning to something new.
- Our future plans.  For God, in His perfect timing, to reveal the next part of the journey.