Clarice Achieng, a sweet, joyful 6 year old in Pre-Primary (Kindergarten) class at CGA, passed away on Friday. Joe received the phone call from our CGA social worker and we were both in shock. We were waiting for the phone call to inform us her surgery was complete and successful. Instead, it was a phone call of disbelief and questions.
It is such sad news after so much effort was expended to help improve Clarice's medical situation and so much intercession to the Lord on her behalf. Yet, we know and believe that God's ways are higher than our ways and beyond our understanding. He has the ability to bring redemption and good from all things; even death for he has overcome death! In spite of the loss, we are comforted knowing that she is now safe and rejoicing in her eternal home with her Savior.
The exact cause of death is a not known for certain. The orthopedic surgeon, who’s one of the best in the country and used to work at Cure International Hospital in Kijabe, said the surgery went fine. It was surgery on her hip from a 3 month problem caused by septic arthritis. As the doctor noticed her waking up from the anesthesia he left the room to write his surgery notes. A short while later the nurse came to tell him that Clarice was no longer breathing. They performed CPR on her, but she didn’t revive.
The surgeon was very surprised, saddened and humbled by what happened to Clarice. The cause of death was most likely a heart embolism, though it could also have been bacteria that got into the blood stream, blood clot (very unlikely in children) or the anesthesia. After consultation with 2 American doctors, it seems the hip problem almost certainly had nothing to do with the death. [Autopsies are extremely rare in Kenya; often only done for cases where murder is suspected. As much as we (Joe and I and CGA staff) wanted an autopsy, Clarice's mother/aunt did not. For her, there was not point since it wouldn't bring her back.]
The surgeon was very surprised, saddened and humbled by what happened to Clarice. The cause of death was most likely a heart embolism, though it could also have been bacteria that got into the blood stream, blood clot (very unlikely in children) or the anesthesia. After consultation with 2 American doctors, it seems the hip problem almost certainly had nothing to do with the death. [Autopsies are extremely rare in Kenya; often only done for cases where murder is suspected. As much as we (Joe and I and CGA staff) wanted an autopsy, Clarice's mother/aunt did not. For her, there was not point since it wouldn't bring her back.]
3 months ago, Clarice began complaining of leg/hip pain and had trouble walking. After many visits to the local doctors in Mbita, and many misdiagnosis, by early January she could no longer walk. When all the CGA students returned to school on January 8th, Clarice was not among them. She was simply in too much pain to come to school. On January 14th, we were able to take her, along with 2 other CGA students, to the Cure International traveling clinic in Kisumu (2.5 hrs away). There, some of the best orthopedic surgeon's in Kenya quickly saw her problem as septic arthritis. Because of the long delay in a proper diagnosis, her femur separated from her hip socket and was causing her great pain. Still, the surgery to fix the problem was routine.
Clarice is a total orphan and has stayed with her aunt (mom’s sister) since she was very young. The aunt, her guardian, had no other children of her own and loved and treated Clarice like her own daughter.
Clarice is a total orphan and has stayed with her aunt (mom’s sister) since she was very young. The aunt, her guardian, had no other children of her own and loved and treated Clarice like her own daughter.
The beautiful part of this story is that Clarice passed from her earthly life to her eternal life in the midst of love and prayer and affirmation. She had her aunt/guardian (who was like a mom) along with CGA staff caring for her, and giving her loving attention. She knew she was loved. There are so many kids on earth for whom that is not true; especially orphans. Thanks to God, Clarice was not one of them.
Please join us and the CGA family in prayer:
- For Clarice’s guardian, Marissa, and the rest of her family as they discuss the burial arrangements and other logistics in the midsts of their sadness.
- For the CGA family and especially Clarice’s classmates and teachers in Pre-Primary
- For Clarice’s guardian, Marissa, and the rest of her family as they discuss the burial arrangements and other logistics in the midsts of their sadness.
- For the CGA family and especially Clarice’s classmates and teachers in Pre-Primary
- For us to trust and believe that God redeems all things and can bring good out of such sadness
Heaven must be a little bit brighter now!
She always had a smile on her face and joy in her heart!